73 Quotes by Sophocles about sophocles
"Τοσαῦτά σ', ὦ Ζεῦ, προστρέπω· καλῶ δ' ἅμαπομπαῖον Ἑρμῆν χθόνιον εὖ με κοιμίσαι,ξὺν ἀσφαδάστῳ καὶ ταχεῖ πηδήματι."
"ὁρῶ γὰρ ἡμᾶς οὐδὲν ὄντας ἄλλο πλὴν, εἴδωλ‘ ὅσοιπερ ζῶμεν ἤ κούφην σκιάν"
"There is a kind of excellence in me and you—born in us—and it cannot live in shame."
"None but a fool or an infant could forget a father gone so far and cold. No. Lament is a pattern cut and fitted around my mind—like the bird who calls Itys! Itys! endlessly, bird of grief, angel of Zeus. O heartdragging Niobe, I count you a god: buried in rock yet always you weep."
"But when a god sends harm, no man can sidestep it, no matter how strong he may be."
"What foolishness it is to desire more life, after one has tastedA bit of it and seen the world; for each day, after each endless day,Piles up ever more misery into a mound. As for pleasures: once weHave passed youth they vanish away, never again to be seen.Death is the end of all.Never to be born is the best thing. To have seen the daylightAnd be swept instantly back into dark oblivion comes second."
"ORESTES: Just to see the outline of your sufferingELECTRA: Yet this is only a fraction of it you see."
"Here he comes like a stealing shadow, like a footprint of death into the rooms, stalking the past with freshcut blood in his hands."
"Tis better not to be than to vilely live.""Greedy of gain is every barbarous tribe."