216 Quotes by Stephen King about Writing
- Author Stephen King
It’s not about the typo, it’s about the message.
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- Author Stephen King
But in the wake of 'Bullet,' all the guys wanted to know was, 'How's it doing? How's it selling?' How to tell them I didn't give a flying fuck how it was doing in the marketplace, that what I cared about was how it was doing in the reader's heart?
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- Author Stephen King
If you wrote something for which someone sent you a cheque, if you cashed the cheque and it didn't bounce, and if you then paid the light bill with the money, I consider you talented.
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- Author Stephen King
The writer must have a good imagination to begin with, but the imagination has to be muscular, which means it must be exercised in a disciplined way, day in and day out, by writing, failing, succeeding and revising."[The Writer's Digest Interview: Stephen King & Jerry B. Jenkins (Jessica Strawser, Writer's Digest, May/June 2009)]
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- Author Stephen King
What about reality, you ask? Well, as far as I'm concerned, reality can go take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut. I've never held much of a brief for reality, at least in my written work. All too often it is to the imagination what ash stakes are to vampires.
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- Author Stephen King
If you don't have time to read, you don't have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that.
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- Author Stephen King
A short story is a different thing altogether – a short story is like a quick kiss in the dark from a stranger.
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- Author Stephen King
Some part of me knew from the first that what I wanted was not reality but myth.
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- Author Stephen King
The trick is to teach yourself to read in small sips as well as long swallows.
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