7 Quotes by Stephen King about anger
- Author Stephen King
Some werewolves are hairy on the inside.
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- Author Stephen King
He lay back, put his arm over his eyes, and tried to hold onto the anger, because the anger made him feel brave. A brave man could think. A coward couldn't.
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- Author Stephen King
Working with him was sort of like trying to defuse a bomb with somebody standing behind you and every now and then clashing a pair of cymbals together. In a word, upsetting.
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- Author Stephen King
Good! he wanted to cry out to her. Good! Because you only had to see it! I had to wear it!
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- Author Stephen King
A harag nagyszerű üzemanyag, ha az ember jól finomítja.
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- Author Stephen King
Frank (...) továbbra is eljárt a terápiás ülésekre. A hír terjedt, és egyre több férfi jelent meg, az alagsorban a székek fele már foglalt volt. Azt mondták, "változást akarnak". Azt mondták, "rendbe akarják hozni az életüket". Azt mondták, "nem akarnak mindig ilyen kibaszott idegesek lenni".
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- Author Stephen King
God, you had enough time to have been through it three times. You've been through my stuff. I bet you over and let one of you stick the world's longest finger up my ass. If a prostate check is an exam, that was a motherfucking safari. I was scared to look down. I thought I'd see that guy's finger nail sticking out of my cock.
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