8 Quotes by Stephen King about politics
- Author Stephen King
Men who find themselves late are never sure. They are all the things the civics books tell us the good citizen should be: partisans but never zealots, respectors of the facts which attend each situation but never benders of those facts, uncomfortable in positions of leadership but rarely unable to turn down a responsibility once it has been offered . . . or thrust upon them. They make the best leaders in a democracy because they are unlikely to fall in love with power.
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- Author Stephen King
And when there are enough outsiders together in one place, a mystic osmosis takes place and you're inside.
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- Author Stephen King
Conservatives who for 8 years sowed the dragon's teeth of partisan politics are horrified to discover they have grown an actual dragon.
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- Author Stephen King
No pongas tu confianza en los príncipes de este mundo, puesto que sólo pensarán en su propio interés, al igual que sus gobiernos, hasta el fin de los tiempos.
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- Author Stephen King
In that moment she hated him, loathed him, this good man she had married. There was really nothing so terrible on the reverse side of his goodness, his steadiness, his mild good humor – just the belief, apparently grounded in the bedrock of his soul, that everybody was looking out for number one, each with his or her own little racket.
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- Author Stephen King
If you want to know what political extremism can lead to, look at the Zapruder film. Take particular note of frame 313, where Kennedy's head explodes.
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- Author Stephen King
I never read the paper myself. Why bother? It's the same old shit day in and day out, dictators beating the ching-chong out of people weaker than they are, men in uniforms beating the ching-chong out of soccer balls or footballs, politicians kissing babies and kissing ass.
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- Author Stephen King
Most politicians lie for the same reason a monkey swings by his tail, which is to say because he can.
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