117 Quotes by Steve Maraboli about inspiration

"Shout-out to everyone who won't be going back to "normal"! Those who will refuse to allow the nonsense they used to. Those who will set new healthy standards. Those who will let go, forgive, and move on. Those who will finally act upon their goals and dreams. Those who will never again shrink themselves for those who refuse to grow. Those who will fall back in love with life. Those who will come out of this chaos stronger and more baddasss than ever!"


"Love yourself... enough to take the actions required for your happiness…enough to cut yourself loose from the drama-filled past... enough to set a high standard for relationships... enough to feed your mind and body in a healthy manner... enough to forgive yourself... enough to move on."


"Take back your power! I wish you the wisdom to realize that the problem isn’t that they keep lying to you; it’s that you keep believing them."


"If you want to be with someone, be with them! Don't make excuses, cause drama, or make them fight for a spot in your life. Express your love and commitment with words and actions. And if you don't feel inspired to show your love this way, be kind enough to let them go... so they can find someone who will."


"The wiser I become, the less I think beauty has anything to do with appearance."


"Nostalgia... the blessing of a merciful memory."


"I welcome the ups and downs. A life unchallenged is a life unchanged. A person who meets no resistance, gains no strength. A determined and blessed life can be delayed, but not denied."


"If you love someone...feel it, speak it, show it, be it.If you don't feel inspired to show your love in this multidimensional manner...be kind enough to let them go...so they can find someone who will."


"The bad news is that yesterday sucked. The good news is that yesterday is gone. Today's a new day. Own it! Shape it! Live it!"


"The bad news is that yesterday sucked. The good news is that yesterday is gone. Today’s a new day. Own it! Shape it! Live it!"
