18 Quotes by Steve Maraboli about drama
"Some people insist on inviting me to their drama buffet... No thanks! My soul hungers for nourishment and growth; it doesn't lust for poison and depletion."
"The path to freedom is illuminated by the bridges you have burned, adorned by the ties you have cut, and cleared by the drama you have left behind. Let go. Be free."
"You would free yourself from so much stress and drama if you just understood and embraced the truth that you are enough."
"How do I have productive days with minimum drama? Simple; I mind my own business."
"Stop validating your victim mentality. Shake off your self-defeating drama and embrace your innate ability to recover and achieve."
"If you want drama, settle for the one who will change your relationship status. If you want love, wait for the one who will change your life."
"There are often great lessons to be learned at the roots of stress, drama, and heartache. Don’t let the magnitude of the circumstance blind you to the value of the lesson."