117 Quotes by Steve Maraboli about inspiration
"It's not about what I SEE for our future, or humanity; It's about what I DO for our future and humanity."
"I will not limit her to the ignorance of our ancestors.She will KNOW that she is powerful. She will KNOW that she is worthy. She will KNOW that she is beautiful. She will KNOW the multidimensional wonder of this amazing human experience and that there is no reason she can't have her feet firmly planted on the ground while also KNOWING that she is magic!"
"Stop expecting your kids to chase their dreams, respect themselves, forgive themselves, love themselves... if they spent a lifetime watching you do the opposite for yourself."
"My perspective is different now. I'm stronger than ever. I may have let you control my story for awhile, but those days are over. NEVER AGAIN! My history will not interfere with my destiny. I'm in control of this journey now... Buckle up!"
"Think of how many chances and fresh starts you have given others... Let today be the day you grant that to yourself. A new day. A fresh start. Renewed energy. Endless opportunities and blessings. Let's make today worth remembering!"
"Squeeze this amazing human experience for all its nourishing juices. Take action towards the life you see for yourself. Don’t just look to the sky and beg for it; put your feet on the ground and create it!"
"I will not live a stagnant life. I will explore the length, depth, and breadth of what this beautiful life offers. Wins and losses, love and heartbreak, laughter and tears... I’m not just here for the victories; I’m here for the scars. I refuse to experience anything less."
"Being in a relationship with some people is like pushing a boat through sand. I used to have the time and energy for that kind of nonsense, but not anymore. Relationships should be a wonderful journey of exploration and love; not grinding resistance."
"I love that we get a new day... A new opportunity to move our lives in a positive direction... Let's be unencumbered by yesterday's nonsense... a fresh start... Take a deep breath, smile, and start again."
"...she doesn't have to choose between being gentle or being fierce. Both exist in nature and both exist in her. That's ok. She'll know to nourish them both and when applicable, use each unapologetically."