117 Quotes by Steve Maraboli about inspiration

"There were times I thought the best of my life had passed me by. I thought I was too old and too damaged to have anything good happen. Well, the BEST parts of my life happened after that. I'm so glad I was wrong! Turns out, it's never too late to meet the people you never knew you could love so much."


"The sun shines powerfully and the flowers express themselves beautifully regardless of your opinion, gratitude, or indifference. They live out their purpose... UNAPOLOGETICALLY. I love that!"


"Don’t ignore what they show you. No matter how much you wish it weren’t so, it is. Stop arguing with reality. They are what their behavior reveals them to be... Respond and move forward accordingly."


"People who haven’t been through shit, seen shit, or done shit... telling me they would have handled my situation differently... that’s my favorite. Cheer or Boo, I don’t care. Keep your zombie ass on the bleachers... because I’m just getting started."


"It’s my life and I’m not afraid to LIVE it! I would rather experience the ups and downs of a life I have chosen, than to suffer the regret of a life I have settled for."


"Don’t give up! Remember, we love to be enchanted by flowers in bloom… but don’t forget that it took many rainy days to achieve such beauty. Your bloom is coming!"


"I refuse to suffer the torment of regret that comes from living a "what if" life."


"Cemeteries are full of unfulfilled dreams... countless echoes of 'could have' and 'should have'… Don’t choose to walk the well-worn path to regret."


"There are some people who will surprise you with their perseverance... People who survive through the tears... Strong spirits who prove you wrong if you make the mistake of betting against them."


"I want you to embark on the truth of loving yourself because when you love yourself and when you appreciate yourself, you will make healthy changes in your life for healthy reasons."
