117 Quotes by Steve Maraboli about inspiration
"Mindset Matters: Cut away the nonsense and cultivate an environment conducive to your personal well-being. Forgive yourself and others. Have the courage to move on. The battle is long... and in the end, it's only with yourself."
"Sometimes we just need to look at something beautiful to refresh our souls. Shout-out to the places and people who enliven our spirits. Thank you."
"I’m not distracted by the verbal blah blah... Behavior speaks... You either produce excuses or results. The rest is just noise."
"Most people talk, but say nothing. That’s ok because nobody is listening anyway. Let today be the day you stop with words and take ACTION! Shut-up and say something with your behavior... Dream. Plan. Act."
"Get out of your own way... What we call 'lack of willpower' is actually just losing an argument with an outdated version of yourself."
"You will find that people will always have opinions about your decisions. Don’t take it personally, it’s simply because they're not courageous enough to take action in their own lives. Be a leader in your life and pay no mind to those who lack the courage to do the same in theirs."
"The do-somethings will always be judged by the do-nothings...Those who dare are always hated by those who cower."
"Moving on is not about forgetting the past; it’s about learning from it. Find the message in the mess…Cry. Forgive. Learn. That’s moving on."
"For me, the most interesting people seem to have the bumpiest pasts. I prefer to connect with someone who has experienced the struggles, battles, and casualties of life’s journey. There is beauty, wisdom, and truth to be found in the scars."
"Stay focused. Not every distraction is a worthy detour."