117 Quotes by Steve Maraboli about inspiration

"Pretend those around you are deaf to your words. Let your actions speak and communicate your feelings and intentions. This way of living ensures the potency of your message is delivered and serves as a gauge against our verbal nonsense."


"We’re all ridiculous… all of us. It’s as though we use a lit torch to search for light. You are enough. Know this and proceed through life accordingly."


"When you pursue your goals with passion, you will attract people who love you; but you’ll also attract haters. I’m okay with that; I welcome it. I don’t want to live life as a spectator. I’ve learned that if no one is cheering you on and/or booing you; it means you're not in the game."


"There is a fascinating chaos to life; but there is always a message in the mess... always."


"I will not play it safe!I want to experience the length, depth, and breadth of life. I'm not just here for the victories... I'm here for the scars."


"Letting go isn’t about forgetting; it’s about learning and moving on. It’s making a choice to be strengthened by your past… not strangled by it."


"Products come with a WARNING label that reveals what they are made of. People come with one too; it is found in their actions."


"Sometimes we need someone to just listen. Not to try and fix anything or offer alternatives, but to just be there… to listen. An ear that listens can be medicine for a heart that hurts."


"Be fueled by the opportunities of today. Do not be passive in your life. Be courageous in driving forward in this journey of life. I know people will try to push you back. I know life will challenge you to find refuge in the past. I know the present induces fear. Do not be fooled into backwards living. Be courageous enough to keep moving forward."


"Great changes in our society are always inspired and set in motion by one person. Be that person today."
