65 Quotes by Steven Magee about Biological
"Smart radiation researchers use radiation resistance health techniques in order to offset the known biological harm of their toxic radiation exposures."
"When I see the promotion of nighttime street lighting to the masses, I realize the great level of incompetence that is present in governments, human health and the biological effects of light."
"This was my Mauna Kea experience: 1. Hire worker and do not disclose the full range of the biological toxicity of the very high altitude facility to them. 2. Let the worker get sick and start using their earned sick time. 3. Harass the sickened worker out of the company. 4. Hire an unsuspecting healthy worker to replace them."
"When people ask me why I do not work, my response is always ‘I have extensive high altitude biological damage from working in professional astronomy."
"Many biological researchers know that living on the Moon or Mars will make everyone involved sick to the point of killing them prematurely with Space diseases."
"Kindness is researching the biological harm of environmental radiation on a global population of over seven billion people."
"Plants can be affected by stray voltage and they may show stunted growth, deformed growth, or go dormant. In extreme cases they may die."
"One of the nice features of working the astronomy night shift atop Mauna Kea was that I would get to watch the beautiful Hawaiian sunset daily. I was later to realize that watching sunsets at 13,796 feet was undesirable for the biological health of sea level adapted humans."
"Promoted to the public as the latest generation facility, the 1.4 billion dollar Thirty Meter Telescope project is a continuation of environmental human biological problems that I observed on the summit of Mauna Kea, Hawaii, USA."
"At the high rate man-made satellites are being launched, I suspect there will be little biological life alive on Earth within a century."