732 Quotes by Steven Magee about Tmt

"With the benefit of hindsight, it was clear that astronomy management teams were lying through silence to their workers regarding the toxicity of their high altitude astronomical facilities."


"I expect a lack of willing very high altitude workers that are prepared to sacrifice their long term health will eventually shut down manned astronomy on the summit of Mauna Kea."


"Telescope coordinates are 12 numbers long. After a couple of years working extreme night shifts on the very high altitude summit of Mauna Kea, I could no longer remember the numbers that were read out to me by astronomers."


"If you know that you have had radiation sickness, then you should be suspecting that radiation induced food intolerance may be present."


"Poor quality food was a feature of high altitude observatories."


"I came to know the food at high altitude observatories as some of the worst I had ever been served."


"The food was so bad at one particular high altitude observatory that I stopped eating there and brought sandwiches to work every day."


"High altitude exposures are a hormone disrupter in sea level adapted humans."


"After a decade in high altitude astronomy, I concluded that astronomical observatories atop remote mountains are biologically harmful to sea level adapted humans."
