33 Quotes by Steven Magee about Pollution

"Mother Earth is on her way to the gas chamber with all of her children."


"The modern human has taken a pristine natural environment and has obliterated it with pollution, technology and overpopulation."


"When I see the effects that SpaceX is having on professional astronomy, I see one group of toxic people affecting another group of toxic people."


"The atmosphere of Earth acts as a lens to sunlight and adding atmospheric pollution to it modifies the characteristics of it."


"One of the problems with climate change, global warming and global air pollution is that it may change the frequency and intensity of electrical storm activity. Too much lightning activity may cause excessive mating, aggression, fatigue, illness and disease to occur. Too little may turn off the animal and plant breeding cycles."


"The most polluted animal on the planet today is the modern human."


"Electromagnetic radiation is an alien technology to humans living in harmony with nature."
