263 Quotes by Steven Magee about Toxic
- Author Steven Magee
Damage my health and I will return with scientific discovery to demolish your toxic business model.
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- Author Steven Magee
It is important that the masses understand the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) atop Mauna Kea is a known biologically toxic project that can only function by willfully damaging its workers health.
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- Author Steven Magee
Astronomers know the Mauna Kea Observatories (MKO) are biologically toxic to their workers health, but do not inform the new hires of it, other than they may get altitude sickness and direct them to use the company supplied drugs to offset that sickness. They know that workers are inappropriately acclimatizing on a daily basis, which further aggravates the altitude sickness symptoms.
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- Author Steven Magee
If you are going crazy, then you will be in good company in the USA.
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- Author Steven Magee
Hello crazy world!
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- Author Steven Magee
When I was working at a biologically toxic facility, it was unfortunate that I was on a green card application that prevented me from changing employers. From the point of view of long term health, I was able to leave in a sickened state shortly after receiving it.
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- Author Steven Magee
The masses need to change their thoughts away from thinking that the military is protecting them to the reality that the military is allowing toxic corporations to damage their health to boost profits.
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- Author Steven Magee
When a toxic employer damages your health, publicly hunt them down with science.
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- Author Steven Magee
Hello failing health, goodbye vitality.
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