375 Quotes by Steven Magee about Health
- Author Steven Magee
Many people in the USA come to the conclusion that it is better not to purchase extremely expensive health care insurance and to use the saved money to self diagnose and treat with lifestyle changes, organic food, supplements and vitamins.
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- Author Steven Magee
Mentally challenged people were never meant to have guns.
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- Author Steven Magee
There are a huge number of people that should be in jail for willfully damaging damaging public health, but instead they are employed on high salaries in fraudulent corporate government regulator departments.
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- Author Steven Magee
President Trump’s lifestyle is almost the complete opposite of what most health consultants advise their clients.
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- Author Steven Magee
The more I interact with the medical profession, the more I form the opinion that it is riddled with incompetence.
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- Author Steven Magee
The USA disability statistics clearly show that the sordid system abandons the majority of its sickened applicants in their time of greatest need.
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- Author Steven Magee
I would not purchase health care insurance in the USA, as it is a mediocre health care system at best.
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- Author Steven Magee
After years of voyaging through the USA medical system and taking prescription drugs, I was sicker than when I started the process.
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- Author Steven Magee
You go in through the front door of the hospital and depending on how successful your treatment is determines whether you leave through the front door or in a box out of the back door.
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