732 Quotes by Steven Magee about Tmt
"Protesting is about making history, creating art and protecting future generations."
"This was my Mauna Kea experience: 1. Hire worker and do not disclose the full range of the biological toxicity of the very high altitude facility to them. 2. Let the worker get sick and start using their earned sick time. 3. Harass the sickened worker out of the company. 4. Hire an unsuspecting healthy worker to replace them."
"Business as usual at the Mauna Kea Observatories in Hawaii is no longer acceptable."
"Damaging the long term health of the workers is not an acceptable business model."
"There are a wide range of people that are in the business of damaging public health. They call themselves governments and corporations."
"Corporate controlled governments are in the business of organized corruption."
"I am looking forward to seeing the arrests of the Mauna Kea Observatories (MKO) management teams for illegally damaging their very high altitude workers health."
"When I worked in astronomy, the management teams would mislead the staff about the biological toxicity of harmful things that the staff would be routinely exposed to."
"There are no doubts that the Mauna Kea Observatories (MKO) management teams knew that summit workers were suffering daily from the serious effects of oxygen starvation to the brain and body."
"If the astronomy management team becomes aware that you have developed long term high altitude sickness, then it is reasonable to think that you may be terminated soon."