455 Quotes by Steven Magee about Government
"A corporate controlled government is the enemy of the common people."
"While the corporate government wants you to believe many people that apply for disability are fraudulent, the reality is that the far bigger corporate government fraud are the massive numbers of eligible sickened people that are being denied their earned disability payments."
"Whatever bad things you think your corporate controlled government is up to, it is generally much worse in reality."
"I often struggle with the perception of the USA and the reality, as they are distinctly different."
"The reality of the USA for people who are disabled and are unable to be awarded government disability is that it is a living nightmare."
"Eligibility for government disability payments for many sickened people only exists on paper, it does not exist in reality."
"As a person who is aware of extensive USA government fraud, my ethics dictated that I could no longer participate in the Pledge of Allegiance."
"My dislike of the government was learned through experience."
"My personal experience of the Obama administration was corruption."
"Through experience I have learned not to waste my time trying to convince corrupt corporate government officials of the truth."