245 Quotes by Steven Magee about Electromagnetic

"We know that unnaturally irradiating the human makes it sick. Unnaturally irradiating the air and water seems to make them sick also."


"Abnormally irradiated air may eventually be proven to present long term toxicity to the sea level adapted human."


"My research is indicating that sleep deprivation and unnatural electromagnetic radiation exposures can trigger the human mating cycle."


"Walking around in very high powered electromagnetic fields produced by cell phone towers and satellites is probably the most unnatural thing that the modern human engages in."


"Do you know that the USA corporate controlled government changed the laws in 1996 to remove all liability for damaging human health by the wireless radiation industries?"


"People with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) have the unfortunate choice of suffering Radio Frequency (RF) sickness without electromagnetically screening their homes or to get natural radiation deficiency sickness with the RF protective screening installed, the choice is which sickness is the most tolerable. It is a really bad situation to be in."


"Am I crazy or am I just in a very unnatural electromagnetic radiation environment?"
