38 Quotes by Sunday Adelaja about way

"We don’t just believe that God is real, but in tough circumstances we believe that he knows the way out"


"Choose God’s way of and choose the things that God chooses. His choices are the best"


"God judges the way you treat Him by the way you treat His servants"


"We should get rid of these restricting attitudes and system of beliefs in order to remove obstacles in our way to the achievements of our goals and revealing our potential"


"The complex known as feelings of guilt does not let us accept ourselves the way we are created"


"You cannot act in the old way, as you got used to, as you have been programmed in your childhood, you will have to change yourself or otherwise you will not survive"


"Fear of failure is one of the principal fears creating obstacles in the way of successful self-actualization and achieving goals"


"When it seems there is no way out, it indicates that God wants to manifest His power and glory"


"The only way for God to take over the world is to live in human flesh by His spirit"


"The more time you spend with the Lord, the stronger your spirit becomes. This way you get authority not just on earth but also before the Heavens"
