23 Quotes by Sunshine Rodgers about fiction
"My line of work is much deeper than anything a simple prayer can fix. I wrench the heart; I mutilate the mind. I burn wounds of hurt and pain and I make those inner demons come to the surface: sickness, sufferings, diseases! I know my place. Those little friends and their little God have nothing on me. Sure I have been in battle with God's little angels and sure they may have won a time or two, but this is a different battle and we are living in a different time."
"He is so delighted when we approach His throne with prayer. He loves to be remembered as the One who can heal all, cure all and fix all."
"It was the afternoon in the city of Orlando, Florida. Amid the hustle and bustle, the cafe next door to a strip mall played popular music out loud. Children and families with familiar cartoon characters on their shirts and hats walked past; vacationers took pictures of the palm trees and the ducks passing by, shouting, "Look! Florida ducks!"