138 Quotes by Susan C. Young about Trust
- Author Susan C. Young
We can choose how we present ourselves to the world—and we should. From a sales perspective, who would you rather work with? Someone who is friendly and amiable or someone who is stiff and unyielding?
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- Author Susan C. Young
Is it better to be interested or interesting? Good question. People will be more interested in you when you first demonstrate that you are interested in them.
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- Author Susan C. Young
If you want to impress someone with how much you know, the best thing you can do is talk to them about . . . them. People typically love to share their stories and are delighted when others show genuine interest in hearing about: their families, what they do for fun, their opinions, where they are going on vacation, their happiest memories, their hobbies, or even where they grew up.
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- Author Susan C. Young
Rather than trying hard to be interesting and focusing on yourself, turn your attention to filling that need in others.
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- Author Susan C. Young
By taking a personal interest in other people’s lives, you are demonstrating selflessness, grace, and respect.
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- Author Susan C. Young
ASK YOURSELF: Your closest friends want to know all about the details of your life and want to hear what is happening in your life. How can you be that type of person for others?
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- Author Susan C. Young
When you are genuinely interested, your authenticity reveals itself in your body language, attitude, facial gestures, eye contact, and overall responsiveness.
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- Author Susan C. Young
How Can You Show You Are Interested?• Pay close attention.• Ask how you can help.• Ask probing questions.• Practice great listening.• Invite people to participate.• Express curiosity without judgment.• Find a way to help others achieve their goals.• Keep your mind open to innovative ideas.• Make introductions and connect like-minded people.• Get to know people first before talking about yourself.• Consider how and why they feel/think/believe as they do.
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- Author Susan C. Young
What makes you curious about someone when meeting them for the first time? Do they have a fascination factor? Is there something special about them that stands out? What makes you want to learn more?
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