214 Quotes by Susan C. Young about mindset
- Author Susan C. Young
Changing your perception will alter your interpretations and therefore, your reality. If you feel like you’re hitting a wall because you simply don’t understand something, or another person has a different approach, keep your mind open and willing to reinterpret it with fresh eyes, more information, a change in position, or a new perspective
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- Author Susan C. Young
If you are ever feeling lost or unsure of what to do, you can simply retrace the path that brought you there to begin with. Have you ever misplaced something only to find it in short order when you “retraced your steps?” Whether it is an idea, a conversation, or an object, retracing may help you get back on point to re-fortify your position.
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- Author Susan C. Young
It’s one thing to set a goal. It’s another, however, when you get so caught up in the details that you neglect to review your progress. Reevaluation enables you to improve your aim to ensure you hit your target.
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- Author Susan C. Young
When a team is in possession of the ball, but cannot advance its agenda any further, they have to ‘drop back and punt.’ Doing this requires that they step back to regroup, reassess, and reorganize their strategy in pursuit of winning the game. When you are faced with change and apply this regrouping process, you are better equipped to make decisions for your next steps. Rather than settling back into old habits and doing what you’ve always done, create something fresh, new, and awesome.
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- Author Susan C. Young
Are the people around you adding value or depleting your reserves? Is your career de-valuing your talents by not utilizing your strengths? Are you investing in yourself to improve your sense of value and self-worth? By thoughtfully reappraising areas of your life you will gain insight as to what needs to change to increase its value.
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- Author Susan C. Young
Expect good things from people; they feel it. You never know who you are going to meet, and projecting approachability will open doors of opportunity for you that you may not have discovered otherwise.
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- Author Susan C. Young
Consider how others may feel about you before, during, and after talking. Are you projecting an attitude that results in others feeling accepted and welcome? Are you encouraging people to speak and engage with you through your approachability?
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- Author Susan C. Young
Approachability is a crucial way of being that empowers you with an extraordinary edge to make a great first impression, invite interaction, build rapport, and win friends.
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- Author Susan C. Young
Don't you love meeting an approachable person? They roll out the proverbial “welcome mat.” Their energy and engaging openness make us feel safe. They project the messages, “I'm so glad to meet you. I like you. Tell me more about you. I'm so glad that you're here,” without even saying a word.
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