8 Quotes by T. Scott McLeod about acceptance
- Author T. Scott McLeod
Hatred never ceases with hatred, but with love alone is healed.
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- Author T. Scott McLeod
Do you want love, or do you want control?
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- Author T. Scott McLeod
Is it love, or is it attachment? Do you want to love her, or do you want to control her?
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- Author T. Scott McLeod
You necessarily have to be lost, before you’re found.
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- Author T. Scott McLeod
If you go to war with your mind, you will always be at war.
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- Author T. Scott McLeod
To love, and be loved, this is the greatest challenge that any of us face in our lives.
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- Author T. Scott McLeod
Why hold secrets? Why harbor anything? Let me just share everything with you. Let me just talk. Let me let go of the censor that is within me ... I’m tired of trying to be someone other than who I am.
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- Author T. Scott McLeod
To hate the hate was just more hate; to reject the rejection was just more rejection; to judge the judging, just more judging.
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