61 Quotes by Tara Bianca about father
- Author Tara Bianca
The practice and path of connecting with a child is a gift to you, the child and the world
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- Author Tara Bianca
Connecting with a child is an incredible opportunity and gift for both you and the child. See through their eyes and invite them to teach you. They will feel delighted and inspired to assist you.
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- Author Tara Bianca
Children are closer to God than you know. They are born as the embodiment of radiant Divine Love. When you hold a baby, it is so apparent. They evoke tenderness, love, and openness. That is God loving you through that baby! Such a blessing!
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- Author Tara Bianca
Soon after a baby is born, illusion comes in and begins teaching them lies, such as “you are not important,” “you are not enough,” “you are not worthy,” or “there’s no time for you.” Guess who teaches children these lies? Mostly their parents transmit deep unconscious lies that they learned from their parents, school, and society.
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- Author Tara Bianca
Almost every child is born expecting love and connection to be available.
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- Author Tara Bianca
If you find yourself reacting or experiencing anger or frustration with a child, then use it as a gateway to shine light and love upon the lies you were taught by your parents and ultimately by your ancestors. Take responsibility and make amends with that child by apologizing as soon as possible. Explain that your anger was not their fault, that every person is responsible for their own emotions, and that your anger was your responsibility.
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- Author Tara Bianca
It is wonderful to be physically present in the same space as a child.
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- Author Tara Bianca
If you get angry with yourself when you make mistakes with children or anyone, then ask yourself, “Why did I react like that? What made me feel that way? What is the lie that I am believing about myself or them?
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- Author Tara Bianca
Let your interactions with children be intentionally and purposefully loving, fun, and accepting.
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