5 Quotes by Tatjana Ostojic about philosophical
- Author Tatjana Ostojic
The property of attraction that indicates that it can fall and rise, oscillate and indefinitely disappear, shows us how unstable indicator of true love attraction is.
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- Author Tatjana Ostojic
My heart cannot concealits love for you.It is still able to missthe memories it no longerremembers,for love needs neitherreason nor foundationto exist.
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- Author Tatjana Ostojic
You might ask why I loved you.For the same reason a child loves balloons;unaware of how hollow they are,thinking they would last forever.
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- Author Tatjana Ostojic
It is more difficult for you to pretend having feelings when you don’t,than it is to me to pretend I don’t have any when I do.That is why I’d rather sleep.Not having to think.Just to feel.In the sea of illusions,every touch of yoursbelongs to me.
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- Author Tatjana Ostojic
Nowhere to be touchedor explored,not here and not in distance.It’s just a tingle that overflows my brightest dreams.Am I wise or simple-minded to believethat non–existent evidenceis not an evidence of non–existence?
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