5 Quotes by Taylor Jenkins Reid about divorce

  • Author Taylor Jenkins Reid
  • Quote

    Some marriages aren't really that great. Some loves aren't all-encompassing. Sometimes you separate because you weren't that good together to begin with. Sometimes divorce isn't an earth-shattering loss. Sometimes it's just two people waking up out of a fog.

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  • Author Taylor Jenkins Reid
  • Quote

    Alguns casamentos não são lá grandes maravilhas. Alguns amores têm limitações bem claras. Às vezes as separações acontecem porque as pessoas não combinavam, para começo de conversa.Às vezes o divórcio não é um abalo sísmico. Às vezes são só duas pessoas saindo de uma situação nebulosa

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  • Author Taylor Jenkins Reid
  • Quote

    If you are heartbroken right now, then I feel for you deeply, Evelyn says. That I have the utmost respect for. Thats the sort of thing that can split a person in two. But I wasnt heartbroken when Don left me. I simply felt like my marriage had failed. And those are very different things.

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