4 Quotes by Taylor Jenkins Reid about fate

  • Author Taylor Jenkins Reid
  • Quote

    It doesn't matter if we don't mean to do the things we do. It doesn't mean if it was an accident or a mistake. It doesn't even matter if we think this is all up to fate. Because regardless of our destiny, we still have to answer for our actions. We make choices, big and small, every day of our lives, and those choices have consequences.

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  • Author Taylor Jenkins Reid
  • Quote

    As I sat next to him on the piano bench, I said, “What if I’d never walked into the music store . . .”Sam smiled gently and looked at me as he played the keys on the piano ever so softly. And then he said, “But you did.”I decided that was my answer to questions of fate. I could go around asking myself what if x hadn’t happened, and the answer would always be, “But it did.

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  • Author Taylor Jenkins Reid
  • Quote

    From experience, I can tell you that if you go around trying to figure out what's fair in life or whether you deserve something or not, that's a rabbit hole that is hard to climb out of.

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