208 Quotes by Terry Pratchett about discworld
"Tiffany knew what the problem was immediately. She'd seen it before, atbirthday parties. Her brother was suffering from tragic sweetdeprivation. Yes, he was surrounded by sweets. But the moment he took anysweet at all, said his sugar-addled brain, that meant he was not takingall the rest. And there were so many sweets he'd never be able to eatthem all. It was too much to cope with. The only solution was to burstinto tears."
"Humans take. They plough with iron. They ravage the land.''Some do, I'll grant you that. Others put back more'n they take. They put back love. They've got soil in their bones."
"Sometimes he seemed to be saying that nothing existed unless people thought it did, and the world was really only there at all because people kept on imagining it. But then he seemed to be saying that there were lots of worlds, all nearly the same and all sort of occupying the same place but all separated by the thickness of a shadow, so that everything that ever could happen would have somewhere to happen in."
"On the Kite, the situation was being 'workshopped'. This is the means by which people who don't know anything get together to pool their ignorance."
"Men marched away, Vimes. And men marched back. How glorious the battles would have been that they never had to fight!"
"Racism was not a problem on the Discworld, because—what with trolls and dwarfs and so on—speciesism was more interesting. Black and white lived in perfect harmony and ganged up on green."
"Once people get the idea that they can listen to music for nothing, where will it end?"
"Ankh-Morpork jest tak pełne życia, jak dojrzewający ser w upalny dzień, głośne jak klątwa w katedrze, jaskrawe jak plama oleju, barwne jak siniak i szumiące od działalności, interesów, ruchu i czystej, rozbuchanej aktywności niczym zdechły pies na kopcu termitów."