36 Quotes by Terry Pratchett about magic
"There is no real king anymore!” snapped the Supreme Grand Master. “What do you expect?Some people wandering in the wilderness for hundreds and hundreds of years, patiently handing down a sword and a birthmark? Some sort of magic?” He spat the word. He’d make use of magic,means to an end, end justifies means and so forth, but to go around believing it, believing it had some sort of moral force, like logic, made him wince."
"The whole Creation was waiting for Rincewind to drop in. He did so. There didn't seem to be any alternative."
"Why was it that when she heard Granny ramble on about witchcraft she longed for the cutting magic of wizardry, but whenever she heard Treatle speak in his high-pitched voice she would fight to the death for witchcraft? She’d be both, or none at all. And the more they intended to stop her, the more she wanted it.She’d be a witch and a wizard too. And she would show them."
"Perhaps more importantly, the ants used all the sugar lumps they could steal to build a small sugar pyramid in one of the hollow halls, in which, with great ceremony, they entombed the mummified body of a dead queen. On the wall of one tiny hidden chamber they inscribed, in insect hyeroglyps, the true secret of longevity.They got it absolutely right and it would probably have important implications for the universe if it hadn't, next time the University flooded, been completely washed away."