4 Quotes by Thomas Hardy about suffering
- Author Thomas Hardy
Happiness was but the occasional episode in a general drama of pain.
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- Author Thomas Hardy
Though fervent was our vow,Though ruddily ran our pleasure,Bliss has fulfilled its measure,And sees its sentence now.Ache deep; but make no moans:Smile out; but stilly suffer:The paths of love are rougherThan thoroughfares of stones.
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- Author Thomas Hardy
Po tuo išoriniu kevalu - į jį pašalinis žmogus tik prabėgomis žvilgtertų kaip į nereikšmingą, tiesiog negyvą daiktą - slėpėsi pilna gyvybės siela, kuri, dar jauna būdama, skaudžiai patyrė, kokia menka yra materialinių gėrybių vertė, kokie žiaurūs žmogaus geiduliai ir kokia nepastovi meilė.
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- Author Thomas Hardy
You are Joseph the dreamer of dreams, dear Jude. And a tragic Don Quixote. And sometimes you are St. Stephen, who, while they were stoning him, could see Heaven opened. Oh, my poor friend and comrade, you'll suffer yet!
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