13 Quotes by Thomas Lloyd Qualls about Wisdom
- Author Thomas Lloyd Qualls
There is weakness in resistance, strength in letting go.
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- Author Thomas Lloyd Qualls
All journeys meet crossroads. Where the river ends, the ocean begins. We must have the courage to embark on these journeys, to choose our paths, and to let go of the boat once we are across the river.
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- Author Thomas Lloyd Qualls
There are two paths for anyone who is seeking to learn that which is kept hidden. One is to initiate into a society, secret or not, with traditions that are well-established. The other is to seek one’s own path and to forge the way by trial and error. Either choice is dangerous. In order to master the mysteries of the universe, one must bridge heaven and earth. The bridge is a world in itself.
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- Author Thomas Lloyd Qualls
All things bleed together.
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