5 Quotes by Thomas Stark about mathematics

  • Author Thomas Stark
  • Quote

    Minds are made of light (photons). Photons are massless, immaterial, unextended, dimensionless, maximally length contracted and time dilated, as per Einstein's special theory of relativity. Nothing material can be accelerated to light speed. The speed of light is an absolute term, while speed through space is relative. These facts rationally prove that light belongs to a different ontological category from matter, hence materialism is false.

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  • Author Thomas Stark
  • Quote

    If you want to know the secrets of existence, do the math. There is no other way. There is only one truth, the truth of mathematics. It is the infallible, absolute truth. All truth-seekers come in the end to mathematics. Pythagoras got there first. It’s time for everyone else to join him and hear the Music of the Spheres. Are your ears attuned to the perfect notes of the universe? Only the gods can hear the divine music. Are you one of them?

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  • Author Thomas Stark
  • Quote

    How can God be nowhere in space (nullibism) and also complete in every part of space (holenmerism)? Only by being a Singularity that emanates or projects a holographic “physical” universe from itself. Nullibism and holenmerism are exactly the two concepts essential to a religious, spiritual, intuitive, non-local, entangled and mathematical universe.

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