5 Quotes by Thomas Stark about mind
- Author Thomas Stark
Light is the absolute condition for both spacetime and matter, i.e. all matter comes from light, all matter comes from mind, and the same is true of spacetime. Mind is exactly what matter can never be, which is why no material thing can ever be accelerated to light speed. To convert matter into mind, matter has to undergo a phase transition, as it does in the formation of black hole singularities, and at the Big Crunch which ends the material universe.
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- Author Thomas Stark
Einstein understood all material frames of reference to be relative to each other and to have no absolute material frame of reference to condition them, i.e. he denied the existence of the ether. It never once occurred to him that all material frames of reference are in fact relative to an absolute mental frame of reference, namely that of light, the source of the absolute, the frequency source of the spacetime, material world.
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- Author Thomas Stark
0 is in some sense a net result of all other numbers. We can think of it as the collection of all numbers, the Number Whole. The sum of all non-zero numbers is zero. 0 is an ontological thing... a monad, a thinking entity, an eternal mind.
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- Author Thomas Stark
What is regarded physically as light is metaphysically thought. Light is phenomenal thought. Thought is noumenal light. Light is sensible thought. Thought is intelligible light.
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- Author Thomas Stark
Minds are made of light (photons). Photons are massless, immaterial, unextended, dimensionless, maximally length contracted and time dilated, as per Einstein's special theory of relativity. Nothing material can be accelerated to light speed. The speed of light is an absolute term, while speed through space is relative. These facts rationally prove that light belongs to a different ontological category from matter, hence materialism is false.
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