21 Quotes by Thomm Quackenbush about god

"Science is the language God speaks. The better we know how things work, the closer we are to the divine."


"I don’t much care for all this talk of God washing away all my dirt. I like a bit of grit around the edges. It gives me character and does a passable job of faking depth, from a distance."


"Any divinity that can't see me as a good witch in street clothes has no business hanging up a shingle as a god."


"Man created god upon his thoughts to externalize, to give form to his belief to give a reason for what they could do. The gods stole away the energies, let man believe he was ruled rather than that he rules."


"Our brains want God even as our minds debunk the divine."


"People who believe their god loves them unconditionally are less able to be controlled through divine terrorism."


"If she had some level of theism, we might have a shared theological root from which I could shape holy words."


"He wouldn’t be the one to prove to the world that there was an afterlife, but he hoped to be the one to prove it to himself, though he would have a few stern questions for a Creator who made people haunt libraries."


"There is no real time, only one moment immediately after creation where God asked humanity to join Him. What humanity perceives as time, all of history, is the hesitation in saying "Yes."


"God has planned the world too perfectly for me to doubt that everyone is where they are supposed to be."
