7 Quotes by Tracey Bond about life

  • Author Tracey Bond
  • Quote

    Life is worth living when God throws His Divine dice in your favor. HE has slow-stirred my life with Wisdom and discernment about all manners of people; which is no secret agent in my soul sauce, it brings flavour to the taste buds of God's blessings in my life with extra side orders of favor.

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  • Author Tracey Bond
  • Quote

    A tip for the new you: Growth has its own evolutionary timeline, whether #personal or professional. Rethink "Throwback-Thursday" today and consider what's old that has yet to be thrown out...and what should be renewed within, around and all about you. Communicate it with your energy, and your thrive vibe for life. No matter what your personal/professional purpose...that right there will make you interesting, engagement worthy and always attractive!

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