7 Quotes by Tracey Bond about life
- Author Tracey Bond
Harmony is everything, your central nervous system can bear witness to that in every area of your life...if you let your soul step to the open MIC!
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- Author Tracey Bond
There is no life struggle to transformational success without the shedding of tears...listen closely to the experience stories of those who bear testimonials of touring through adversity...you can hear their silent cries, despite a desert-dry eye, even if those tears are falling within...
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- Author Tracey Bond
So what if there's no sun out today...I'm full of divine shine anyway...at any time, day or night...I've learned its quite all right. As a faith-height guide, I pack a powerful spotlight flash that can push back the darkness with an inner grin, facing forward into life's best light...
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- Author Tracey Bond
Life is worth living when God throws His Divine dice in your favor. HE has slow-stirred my life with Wisdom and discernment about all manners of people; which is no secret agent in my soul sauce, it brings flavor to the taste buds of God's blessings in my life with extra side orders of favor.
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- Author Tracey Bond
Life is worth living when God throws His Divine dice in your favor. HE has slow-stirred my life with Wisdom and discernment about all manners of people; which is no secret agent in my soul sauce, it brings flavour to the taste buds of God's blessings in my life with extra side orders of favor.
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- Author Tracey Bond
A tip for the new you: Growth has its own evolutionary timeline, whether #personal or professional. Rethink "Throwback-Thursday" today and consider what's old that has yet to be thrown out...and what should be renewed within, around and all about you. Communicate it with your energy, and your thrive vibe for life. No matter what your personal/professional purpose...that right there will make you interesting, engagement worthy and always attractive!
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- Author Tracey Bond
If only our eyes were silver feathered wings, undoubtedly, we would lash-lift our shimmered lids to the highest of life's limitless heights...then innately, instinctively, intentionally we would fly.
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