5 Quotes by Umberto Eco about newspapers

  • Author Umberto Eco
  • Quote

    مَن يقرأ الكتب التي تتحدث عنها الصُّحُف ؟في العادةِ لا يقرؤُها حتىٰ مَن كتب عنها ، إلّا مَن كتبها ، وَ ليس ذلك مؤكَّدًا ، وَ عند قراءة بعض الكتب يبدو أحيانًا أنّ كاتبها لم يقرأها

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  • Author Umberto Eco
  • Quote

    The point is that newspapers are not there for spreading news but for covering it up. X happens, you have to report it, but it causes embarrassment for too many people, so in the same edition you add some shock headlines - mother kills four children, savings at risk of going up in smoke, letter from Garibaldi insulting his lieutenant Nino Bixio discovered, etc. - so news drowns in a great sea of information.

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  • Author Umberto Eco
  • Quote

    [B]ut newspapers nowadays had too many pages, no one could proof everything before it went to press, and even the major newspapers were now writing “Simone de Beauvoire,” or “Beaudelaire,” or “Roosvelt,” and the proofreader was becoming as outmoded as the Gutenberg press.

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