4 Quotes by Upton Sinclair about media
- Author Upton Sinclair
We define journalism in America as the business and practice of presenting the news of the day in the interest of economic privilege.
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- Author Upton Sinclair
Can you blame me if I am pursued by the thought of how much we could do to remedy social evils, if only we had an honest and disinterested press?
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- Author Upton Sinclair
American journalism is a class institution, serving the rich and spurning the poor.
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- Author Upton Sinclair
When the masters of industry pay such sums for a newspaper, they buy not merely the building and the presses and the name; they buy what they call the "good-will"- that is, they buy you. And they proceed to change your whole psychology - everything that you believe about life. You might object to it, if you knew; but they do their work so subtly that you never guess what is happening to you!
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