5 Quotes by Val Uchendu about purpose
- Author Val Uchendu
When you apply that gift you possess that comes so easily to you and can be used anywhere, anytime to help someone else; maybe your family, your community, your city, state, country or the world in general... that is your PURPOSE.
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- Author Val Uchendu
Your purpose naturally is as unclear as your divine nature. To discover your purpose, you must reintroduce yourself to your divine nature. When you do, you'll begin to hear silent whispers directing you to your purpose.
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- Author Val Uchendu
Words matter, choose the words you use to describe yourself carefully, make sure they reflect your desire. By our words we ask from God and command the Universe. Both always deliver what we ask
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- Author Val Uchendu
Coincidence sometimes volatile; other times a slow spark that rekindles our destiny's light
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- Author Val Uchendu
Great minds have purpose, they rise above obstacles, they use time for plans and projects, and spare no time for idle gossip.
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