4 Quotes by Vasily Grossman about totalitarianism

  • Author Vasily Grossman
  • Quote

    Man’s innate yearning for freedom can be suppressed but never destroyed. Totalitarianism cannot renounce violence. If it does, it perishes. Eternal, ceaseless violence, overt or covert, is the basis of totalitarianism. Man does not renounce freedom voluntarily. This conclusion holds out hope for our time, hope for the future.

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  • Author Vasily Grossman
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    Life was terrible. It was as though they could understand, as though they could read in one another’s eyes, that the power which had ground them into the mud would continue – even after the war – to oppress both conquered and conquerors.

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  • Author Vasily Grossman
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    Minns en sak", sa hans överordnade, "du har varken far, mor, bröder eller systrar, partiet är det enda du har."Och så förstärktes denna egendomliga, tärande känsla: i sin tanklöshet och i sin lydnad fann han inte svaghet utan i stället en hotfull styrka.

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  • Author Vasily Grossman
  • Quote

    Does human nature undergo a true change in the cauldron of totalitarian violence? Does man lose his innate yearning for freedom? The fate of both man and the totalitarian State depends on the answer to this question. If human nature does change, then the eternal and world-wide triumph of the dictatorial State is assured; if his yearning for freedom remains constant, then the totalitarian State is doomed.

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