9 Quotes by Victoria L. White about relationships

  • Author Victoria L. White
  • Quote

    Surrendering is having an openness, it is a blossoming and encompasses the ability, to be honest, vulnerable, and trust another. Surrendering is not the same as giving into everything your partner says or throwing away your stance without reason. Surrendering is ending the resistance within you and the relationship as whole by coming together mutually and (w)holistically for the purpose of a greater understanding.

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  • Author Victoria L. White
  • Quote

    You can enter into the relationship whole and understand the value of why you are choosing to work in union with another. The relationship is a merger, not a buyout, meaning you wouldn’t come to another and desire to be in partnership to dominate and control the other person. You wouldn’t partner or merge with someone who you didn’t believe in their life’s work, or you don’t honor the work they’ve done to grow into who they currently are.

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