4 Quotes by Vincent Okay Nwachukwu about ageing
- Author Vincent Okay Nwachukwu
Silence does not define science in the issue of ageing and death. The absence of at least a solution sentence is in essence evidence of a serious deficiency.
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- Author Vincent Okay Nwachukwu
The elderly were formerly young before being utterly overtaken by years. It is only orderly that they arrive first at our common destination of ageing. Tenderly treating the elderly is therefore entirely reciprocal.
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- Author Vincent Okay Nwachukwu
Ageing dims the natural sight of the elderly, it also sharpens their sight of insight; the youth is blind to this sight.
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- Author Vincent Okay Nwachukwu
An old man may not literally see clear and bright like a youth but his sight of insight is sharpened by ageing. The youth is incited by this sight.
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