27 Quotes by Vladimir Nabokov about nabokov
- Author Vladimir Nabokov
She was an extravagantly slender girl. Her ribs showed. The conspicuous knobs of her hipbones framed a hollowed abdomen, so flat as to belie the notion of "belly." Her exquisite bone structure immediately slipped into a novel - became in fact the secret structure of that novel, besides supporting a number of poems.
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- Author Vladimir Nabokov
¡Que rara es la vida! La suerte nos abandona cuando más propicia deseamos que nos sea.
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- Author Vladimir Nabokov
La gente que se afeita se rejuvenece un día todas las mañanas.
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- Author Vladimir Nabokov
Uvijek se možete pouzdati u ubojicu da će pisati kitnjastim stilom.
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- Author Vladimir Nabokov
Humbert Humbert: You know, I've missed you terribly. Lolita Haze: I haven't missed you. In fact, I've been revoltingly unfaithful to you. Humbert Humbert: Oh? Lolita Haze: But it doesn't matter a bit, because you've stopped caring anyway. Humbert Humbert: What makes you say I've stopped caring for you? Lolita Haze: Well, you haven't even kissed me yet, have you?
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- Author Vladimir Nabokov
It's exactly my sense of existing - a fragment, a wisp of color.
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- Author Vladimir Nabokov
'I shall vomit,' said Hugh, 'if you persist in pestering me with all that odious rot.'
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- Author Vladimir Nabokov
As she began losing track of herself, she though it proper to inform a series of receding Lucettes - telling them to pass it on and on in a trick-crystal regression - that what death amounted to was only a more complete assortment of the infinite fractions of solitude.
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- Author Vladimir Nabokov
Ich weiß nicht, ob jemals festgestellt wurde, daß ein Hauptmerkmal des Lebens die Separatheit ist. Wenn uns keine Fleischesschicht umhüllt, sterben wir. Der Mensch existiert nur in dem Maße, in dem er von seiner Umwelt abgesondert ist.
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