15 Quotes by Wald Wassermann about self
- Author Wald Wassermann
The current theory on the origin of life, abiogenesis, is like science wanted to go full ensō on itself but stopped short at reaching a final conclusion. This final conclusion being that the origin of self is self not wanting to be by itself and that the purpose of self is companionship otherwise known as love. Hence biodiversity.
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- Author Wald Wassermann
Of course all that is here is Self desiring not to be by itself. It is why diversity exists. Diversity exist not to feel alone. Diversity exists for Companionship. Diversity exists for Love. The purpose is not to fight, quite the contrary, the purpose is Companionship otherwise known as Love.
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- Author Wald Wassermann
The origin of the universe is (the awareness of) loneliness and the purpose of the universe is companionship. All this for love, so not to be alone.
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- Author Wald Wassermann
So to love and be loved; such is the meaning of life, of self.
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- Author Wald Wassermann
At any time, there is only oneself.Self is differentiated for companionship.Companionship verily the purpose of self.
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- Author Wald Wassermann
All is one and the purpose of one is love.
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- Author Wald Wassermann
Self appears as many but all the many are Self. Self appears as many not to be by itself. Self appears as many for Companionship. Self appears as many for Friendship. Self appears as many to Love and be Loved in endless return.
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- Author Wald Wassermann
Life is Self. So it is. In the beginning was Self but Self knows no beginning. Self simply is. Self perceives time not to feel alone. Self desires companionship resulting in Self perceiving Time. Time exists for Love, to experience Companionship. All that is here is Self. That which Self calls Brahman, Abraham, Adam is Self. Self Itself Is. Self Always is. I is I. I Is. ॐ is अयम् is I AM is Self. Self is Love. The equation is "I=Love".
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- Author Wald Wassermann
There's a couple of different realizations. Perhaps the first realization is Aham Brahmasmi. Then perhaps the following is realized. Before Abraham I AM. Then perhaps the following is realized. Before Brahman ॐ. As such it is realized ॐ. But it doesn't stop here for what really matters is Love. You see. Why does Self (I) perceive itself as diversified? Diversity exists not to be alone. Diversity exists for Companionship. Diversity exist for Love. Love is Terminus Ad Quem.
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