29 Quotes by Wald Wassermann about spirituality
"Love from Cosmos. Why? The loving intent of the Cosmos is 'Love' and it is this good-natured intention that gives birth to our amiable universe, earth and all things that pertain to life and godliness. We are the materialization of the loving intent; the love letters from the cosmos. We therefore attain to a conception of our origin, purpose and destiny that is in keeping with this insight as it is in essence love that we are. Let it be known that 'love' is the first truth."
"Love first and foremost. Love first as it drives the universe while we are its foremost passengers."
"Love guides the way. Love lights the way. Love is the way."
"Be as you are that what it means Love."
"The essence of life is coalescence as love is essentially All"
"The messenger is not important. The message is. Love is the message. It really is Love."
"That what it means love is you my love.You my love, you are the true meaning.The meaning of true unconditional love."
"All are special.Now it is discovered.Angels are among us.Love is uncovered."
"When in doubt have no fear.Trust in love it's always near.All is good as meant to be.Trust in love so all can see."
"More So.Forever So.So it Continues.Forever More.Love."