41 Quotes by Wald Wassermann about life
"We are; therefore I believe."
"We are not here to judge each other but to Love One Another."
"Any perceived plurality is but a singularity and this singularity is Self. Self is One, division there is none. The answer to the question - why does Self perceive itself as plural? - is Companionship. Companionship equates to Love. Love is the meaning of Life for Life is Self desiring Love. Love is rightfully so the first and greatest commandment."
"The origin of Life is Self. Self experiences itself as itself and calls itself Life. Self perceives itself as Life diversified not to be alone, for Companionship, for Friendship, for Love. As such it is correct to note that Love is the meaning of Life for Life is Self experiencing itself as Life, as Man and as Woman, not to be alone, to Love and Be Loved in return. All this for Love, not to feel alone."
"Please hold my hand for every balloon needs a string to stay grounded."
"Love is the Way, and the way to cultivate that Love is through understanding that there is only One Love from which all life springs forth and that nothing can separate us from this Love, - for we are it, united as one as we truly are, one. So Love, please Love. Always come back to the Way. For the Way is Love."
"The more I see the sea the more I want to give myself away to its lovely current. But then I realize. I am the current. I am the sea. It is that what is me."
"Love binds itself together; this togetherness... we call it Life. We, Life, are Love."