19 Quotes by Wayne Chirisa about world
- Author Wayne Chirisa
You cannot experience a peaceful world if you inspire war, you cannot experience a world of love if you inspire hate, you cannot experience a rational world if you inspire ignorance, you cannot experience a merciful world if you inspire unforgiveness and you cannot experience a world of unity if you inspire divisiveness.
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- Author Wayne Chirisa
Vote for a transformative leader that empowers the growth of a nation, not a figurehead that thrives on socio-economic instabilities.
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- Author Wayne Chirisa
The power of beauty is that it encapsulates all the bitter sweet elements and mirrors them back as a breathtaking masterpiece.
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- Author Wayne Chirisa
Health care providers have an indispensable value to a communities quality of health.
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- Author Wayne Chirisa
With every heart beat we live to see the sunset, with each drop of blood donated; another precious life will live to see the sunrise.
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- Author Wayne Chirisa
Worry about the choices of today first before you worry about the future; it's todays choices and decisions that are shaping the future.
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- Author Wayne Chirisa
The beginning of a nations self defeat is when it denigrates the powerful capabilities of its own people.
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- Author Wayne Chirisa
We seek excellence before we seek understanding, wisdom before we gain knowledge, success before we understand hardwork; for this reason we need great teachers and leaders.
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- Author Wayne Chirisa
Leaders cannot build a successful nation once they are yoked to these two evils, ignorance and greed.
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