64 Quotes by Wayne Dyer about Spiritual

  • Author Wayne Dyer
  • Quote

    Each experience in your lifewas absolutely necessary in order to have gotten you to the next place, and the next place, up to this very moment.

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  • Author Wayne Dyer
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    But if we see ourselves as connected to God, or as reconnecting to our Source through meditation, then we can attract anything we want into our lives.

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  • Author Wayne Dyer
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    As I look back at the entire tapestry of my life, I can see from the perspective of the present moment that every aspect of my life was necessary and perfect. Each step eventually led to a higher place, even though these steps often felt like obstacles or painful experiences.

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  • Author Wayne Dyer
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    In the retail business, many people are too consumed with the bottom line. How much am I going to be selling? Am I going to be able to do all the things I need to get done? Instead, if they are at peace and feeling good about themselves - if they are treating customers with love and acting as statesmen and stateswomen and people who are connected to God in a spiritual sense - then every day for them is a real joy.

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  • Author Wayne Dyer
  • Quote

    You are not saintly (a good person) because an organization says so, but rather because you stay connected to the divinity of your origination. You are not intelligent because of a transcript; you are intelligence itself, which needs no external confirmation. You are not moral because you obey the laws; you are mortality itself because you are the same as what you came from.

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