7 Quotes by lauren klarfeld about travelling
- Author lauren klarfeld
Date a girl who travels they said, but please, know that you will never tame her nor keep her. Because she’ll never sign her letters off with a “your truly” - but always with a “see you when I see you
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- Author lauren klarfeld
A girl who travels has learned how to dance barefoot. She’s learned to place her toes in the sand and dance through rhythm, not through rehearsed footwork. She’s learned to follow what she likes, not what she needs to like.
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- Author lauren klarfeld
The old you has been left behind to leave place for the new you. And it will be a new you that your new friends will admire, that your old friends will struggle to understand and that your true friends will learn to embrace.
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- Author lauren klarfeld
As any distance we take from things give us an outside perspective, so does taking a geographical distance—offering us a new vantage point over our lives.
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- Author lauren klarfeld
When coming back, we may notice we have changed because others haven’t.
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- Author lauren klarfeld
A mind wanders, thoughts flee and memories fade. But tattoos, tattoos are forever. And if it is true to say that we carry ourselves with when we travel - then the body may very well be a beautiful canvas for the timeless lessons we learn and will learn when we travel.
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- Author lauren klarfeld
If you’ve gone to travel to have fun, you will most likely have no new choices to make. But if you have gone travelling to grow, then you are bound to have to make that choice—that of making a new home and welcoming people in it regardless of how different they are from you.
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