31 Quotes by litymunshi about love
- Author litymunshi
if you can ,gift a relationship to someone rather destroy a relationship to someone .
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- Author litymunshi
who knows your silence is screening some back stage trouble for me as I have spoken truth .
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- Author litymunshi
I am not the number or beautiful face on your black board as you want to give identity to me ! I am me . I am my identity .
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- Author litymunshi
pride was i was fine simple causeto be focus of the man who loved many sources those werehis focus . i lived in falsehood likean unknown and loved him all alone
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- Author litymunshi
dream . larger than in sleep.dream ,if its helps you to growdream ,if you opened up to lifedream if you recognise another you inside your mind and heart my dear , don't let this go .dream, for everything ,you know this comes to you asking you that you can do it again
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- Author litymunshi
used to see people in love . seeing them ,used to say -how heavenly it is ,they looks so happy in love. now i toughed by love- and don't say the same .
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- Author litymunshi
where is the source of power of man's restore? in physical strength ?or money? i felt -it is heart . men who has something might be stopped if no is peace in his heart
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- Author litymunshi
relationship is home . not like a bazar . you like so you visit . other part does not even see you ,if they like to. you want to buy ,choose ,you are free .but that's business . in relationship feeling is important ,more than that equally acceptance is base of relationship . if someone stopping to accept this they must stop to continue to be used in a relationship .
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- Author litymunshi
could not sleep last nightbed cover of unease distance kept me awake windy whispers in summer nightwas telling you were awake one corner to another rollinglike swimming in a competitionmy heart wanted to seeyou then n thenwe live ,we loveon same earth mostlyrare within a real another world don't allow usto sleep in side your ,or mine restful love©litymunshi
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