33 Quotes by litymunshi about life
- Author litymunshi
could not sleep last nightbed cover of unease distance kept me awake windy whispers in summer nightwas telling you were awake one corner to another rollinglike swimming in a competitionmy heart wanted to seeyou then n thenwe live ,we loveon same earth mostlyrare within a real another world don't allow usto sleep in side your ,or mine restful love©litymunshi
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- Author litymunshi
i have taken life as its came to me first time i wanted to go to life .
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- Author litymunshi
genuinely ,there is no differences between job and love . in boh cases ,you have to be up to date ,upgraded, continue ,smart,presentable and best performers.
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- Author litymunshi
dear me i think i can run miles after miles through my mind by imaginary flyover ,gather all together to write down on my notebook.
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- Author litymunshi
dear mewhich one ? Ship or Boat ? on a boat -it's keel me and you . little to collect so we meet each other now & then . little to loss ,at time of depart other than most valuable both of us .Ship ? it's complicated .conversation with my life-----------------------------------litymunshi
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- Author litymunshi
until one face the worst ,do not get test the best.other way having best already ,may have different worse flow in life. we never get to know truth
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- Author litymunshi
absolute equality not possible . what is possible ,we can honour the qualities in each person .that would reduce this gap
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- Author litymunshi
life is short,before one can catch up with this ,time would ring the bell-hey-day is off
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- Author litymunshi
you know what is stupidity? underestimating self
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